Thursday 14 January 2016

Today I saw a big monitor lizard. When I got too close, it puffed up its chest and hissed at me. I did get some photos though. 

I also saw coconut palms and banana palms. I got a drink from a coconut: someone chops the top off with a big sharp knife and then you suck up the liquid inside with a straw. It’s clear, like water and doesn’t taste very coconutty!


Chilis drying in the sun

My Hotel

Monitor Lizard

My Room


  1. Hello there, glad you've had a relaxing day apart from facing a monitor lizard. Gary and I read your Drummond blogs today and i thought we had left a comment for you but I don't see it now. He is heavily into motorbikes and was interested in the tuk tuks. We thought we had left a question for you about the ice cream van in the same picture. Is it a motorbike too? Sx

  2. Hello Sonia and Gary, No I didn't see another comment: sorry. I don't think the ice cream van was a tuk-tuk. I'll have a look to see if it's there, when I'm in the Fort. I don't know much about the bike parts of the tuk-tuk. A lot of them have "Piaggi" (I think) on them, but that may just be the body work. More research for me to!


Thanks for your comment. I'll answer as soon as I can.