Tuesday 19 January 2016

I bought some mango jam today! I love mangoes!
I am working part time in a school. 
School starts early at 7:30 and finishes at 1:30. Everyone eats a big curry and rice meal, which they call lunch, about 10:30 at break. They bring it to school with them wrapped up in a plastic package with newspaper.
I also visited a Buddhist temple.



  1. hi there - gary would like to know if the ice cream vans and bread vans have motorbike engines too.

    1. Hi Gary I don't know a lot about motorbikes, but I think a lot of the small vans do have motorbike engines. They make lots of smoke going up hill and I think they may be 2stroke engines, up to about 150cc. There are lots of small motorbikes here. Often whole families at one time, and not a lot of helmets!


Thanks for your comment. I'll answer as soon as I can.